Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Witty repartée

Behold: the essence of conversation.

Not the words, of course. But the mechanics are all here.

Conversations have orderly patterns that provide the structure.

  • You have to have turn taking; if two people speak at once, they can’t hear each other.
  • There’s elaboration; one person puts something on the table, and the other person expands on it.
  • And we can also see a communicative goal: these boys are getting a lot of enjoyment from their conversational play.

It’s a little surprising that people have this ability at such a young age. But maybe it shouldn’t be. Language is, after all, one of those things humans are good at doing.

1 Comment

  1. I often think that this is the best way to have a "conversation"! Sometimes using "words" just end up offending people 🙂

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