Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Post 800

Eight hundred posts. How do I come up with so many things to write about?


I practice by glowering angrily in the mirror, denouncing random objects while hanging laundry, a few push-ups, and then typing random characters to see if they spell anything interesting.

Here are some stats regarding my posting.

Anyway, feel free to say anything you’d like in comments. That’s what we do around here for every hundredth post.


  1. Anything I like. OK, here's an odd idea for a future blog post. You like fonts, and you're doing a PhD, so my question is, what font(s) will you print your thesis out in, and why?

  2. That's a great question. Is there an Atheist font?

  3. Right now, the setup is Optima for headers and Palatino for body text. Rather conventional, I'm afraid. Maybe I should go for something more sciency, like Lucida Bright.

  4. @Happy Lost Sheep
    Aren't all fonts atheist? 😉

  5. I googled Optima and – you're not going to like this – the Wikipedia page about Optima says "the font is widely used by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints"(!)

  6. That's right — they customarily use Optima on all the nameplates for doors in meeting houses and temples.

    The logo for the church today is a variant of Galliard, but they used to use Baker Signet.

  7. I asked Google what font the Bible was written in and it told me Comic Sans…

  8. Hi Daniel. How in the HECK do we contact you directly?! I am a HUGE fan of your font DANIEL BLACK and use it for pretty much everything… in fact, JUST whipped up a photograph book for the centenary of my grandfather's birth. Would love to send you the link to take a look!

  9. Thanks, J-P.

    Post me some links here! I might even bump them to the front page in due course.

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