Someone’s been watching TV, and the scantily clad women are making him feel all hot and bothered.

The most senior judge in Saudi Arabia has said it is permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV channels which broadcast immoral programmes.

Sheikh Salih Ibn al-Luhaydan said some “evil” entertainment programmes aired by the channels promoted debauchery.

Dozens of satellite television channels broadcast across the Middle East, where they are watched by millions of Arabs every day.

The judge made the comments on a state radio programme.

He was speaking in response to a listener who asked his opinion on the airing of programmes featuring scantily-dressed women during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

“There is no doubt that these programmes are a great evil, and the owners of these channels are as guilty as those who watch them,” said the sheikh.

“It is legitimate to kill those who call for corruption if their evil can not be stopped by other penalties.”

This isn’t some local imam. This is the highest ranking judge in Saudi Arabia.

This is the problem when you try and apply a bronze-age moral system to modern times. It leads to certain obvious moral contradictions. Apparently, killing people is permissible, but nudity on TV? Are you nuts? That’s just way out there!