The New York Times reports that the Transcendental Meditation folks are trying to expand into suburban neighborhoods. There’s some nice snark in the ‘background doctrines’ part of the article.

Though the movement is admired for its finances, many independent critics question its belief that large groups of people meditating or practicing yogic flying — where people meditate and hop while sitting cross-legged in the lotus position — can spread peace.

The organization cites studies that it says found that large groups of yogic fliers helped temporarily lower crime in Washington, D.C., end the cold war and briefly reduce hostilities in the Middle East.

It has also been shown that insane people who make bizarre claims has caused a temporary rise in me wanting to jack them in the gut.

Is it possible to construct any idea or belief so horrendously stupid that no one will believe it? I would try, but despair at the human condition overtakes me before I get very far.