The odious “PATRIOT Act” has been renewed by the Senate. (Warning: PDF link.)

Here in Australia, we have a mostly functioning opposition party. It is vocal against the Howard government, and makes the Liberals fight for everything they get. Usually.

It’s sad that the Democrats in the USA aren’t able to do the same. However, if there is a bright spot, it exists in the form of senators like Patty Murray (D-WA). She was one of only ten senators to vote against this legislation. She is a Democrat who isn’t afraid to act like a Democrat, and that gets my support.

It’s hard not to feel worn out sometimes, not only by a corrupt White House, but by a Democratic Party who is so fearful of conflict that they sell out every time. Senator Murray’s opposition to the Bush regime is the closest thing to an opposition party — and a conscience — that we have in American government today.