An article about soy is causing a stir over at Wing Nut Daily:

A devil food is turning our kids into homosexuals

The dangerous food I’m speaking of is soy.

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality.

Well, not that commonly in my case. I’m all over the soy, and


haven’t experienced any of what he’s talking about. Evidently he’s concerned that increased soy intake will turn you into this guy:
Dancing shirtless with Dylan. Wooot!

PZ from Pharyngula plows through PubMed and concludes

There doesn’t seem to be any strong evidence that eating tofu will turn your sons into girlie-boys, I’m afraid; there are better grounds to be concerned about known endocrine disruptors like atrazine and PCBs.

But then the WND folks aren’t great on the science. An astute commenter points out that if there’s overwhelming scientific evidence for evolution or global warming, they ignore it, but one poxy article titled ‘Soy Turns Ya Gay’, and they’re all a-twitter. Gayness is the thing they most fear. It strikes at the center of their sense of identity. Have a look at these ads that loaded up when I got the WND page. It’s like a psychological composite of the inner mind of wingnut Christianism.

The gun phallus.

The fear of any sex that doesn’t involve man dominating woman. All that, and a picture of Chuck Norris. There’s a real cocktail of emotions here; a heady blend of sex, fear, machismo, monstrous insecurity, and itchy trigger fingers.

But it seems to me that if we’re trying to avoid the ever-spiraling Gay, we shouldn’t be concerned about the feminising effect of soy. We should be worried about the feminising effects of Christianity.

The founding pastor of a second Colorado church has resigned over gay sex allegations, just weeks after the evangelical community was shaken by the scandal surrounding megachurch leader Ted Haggard.

On Sunday, Paul Barnes, founding pastor of the 2,100-member Grace Chapel in this Denver suburb, told his evangelical congregation in a videotaped message he had had sexual relations with other men and was stepping down.

I expect to see a Colorado witch hunt soon, as evangelicals try to purge teh Ghey in their midst. It’s too bad; more gay pastors are just what evangelical Christianity needs. But this kind of conflict is inevitable in a philosophy that has to keep its intrinsic homo-ness at arm’s length. Christianity, at its core, is a religion that encourages love for a man. For women, being able to say “I love Jesus” is much easier than for straight Christian guys (of which there are a few). I know it was a bit jarring for me.

Can’t say it better than TRex:

Jesus Christ is the Elemental Boyfriend. Sensitive Jewish guy, big brown eyes, rich dad, and he loves you no matter what you do. He would die for you. And there he is, hanging (*cough*) out naked at the front of the church every week. You are encouraged to fasten your eyes upon his lithe, nude body and think about luuurrrrrve. Big lurrrrve. A lurrrrrrve that transcends time and even the bonds of death itself. It’s got to send some pretty confusing messages to those poor men’s limbic brains.

Christianity turns ya gay.

Anyone for soy burgers?