They could block us from the Creation Ministries International event, but they couldn’t stop saying stupid things.
But why wait until then?
They could block us from the Creation Ministries International event, but they couldn’t stop saying stupid things.
But why wait until then?
I was talking to Mormon apostle Dallin H. Oaks just the other day, and for some reason, we started talking about gay marriage. He was able to clear up a few things for me.
Dallin H. Oaks has elaborated on these ideas from time to time.
When I was trolling teh Mormonz, one of them said something terribly sad and abhorrent.
This is what I really hate about religion. These guys have been carefully taught that their life is meaningless if they lose their faith. They now believe that their own reason for living isn’t good enough, and they’ve replaced it with the Church’s reason for living. This is sick dependency — it’s not the way to build self-reliance. Do not let this happen to you.
It also doesn’t seem to help you to think your way through an argument.
Sometimes people don’t start out all witnessy, but sneak up to it gradually instead. They always reveal their true colours sooner or later, though.
Another data point for the Salem Hypothesis.
I talked to a lot of interesting people at UWA’s Orientation Day. It’s a day when university clubs have their big membership drives. Religions, eager to counter the effects of learning, have their booths as well, and — oh joy — one was a contingent of Mormon missionaries. So I took some time off helping the UWA Atheist and Agnostic Society to have a chat.
They’re fun to talk to, but I can never get used to how uniform their thinking is. You could get the same line of patter from any of them. I suppose atheists say the same things, too.
Here’s the first in a multi-part series: Trolling teh Mormons.
UWA O(rientation)-Day is tomorrow, and I’ll be out there handing out info for the UWA Atheist and Agnostic Society. Come along if you want to meet up with me, have a chat, and perhaps join up, if you’re a university-type person.
Last year, we enjoyed the inexplicable presence of Mormon missionaries. They would try unconvincingly to plug their faith, and I’d point out their logical flaws and utter lack of evidence. Then they’d go away, a new batch would come, and the festivities would start again!
If you’re not sure where to find us, just position yourself somewhere near the coast and then follow the booming music.
Oh, and here’s something that happened last year, when I ran into a old friend from church. Maybe I should have broken it to her more gently.
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