Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Category: open threads

Post 1100: GAC Edition

By tradition, every 100th post is an open thread. You can chat about anything you want, but as it turns out, I’m heading off to Melbourne to the Global Atheist Convention, where I’ll be posting lots of bloggy atheist goodness. If you’re short of topics, that would be a fitting one.

Are you going? Or are you gazing enviously at us travellers through the tiny plane windows? Or don’t you care? Maybe you think atheists shouldn’t convene at all because that makes us a religion! Someone told me that, but she was silly because getting together is a human thing, not a religious thing. If convening makes you a religion, then Linguistics and stamp collecting would be religions. Even Sexpo would be a religion. (NSFW link)

Hmm. I think I found a religion I can get behind.

Chat away while I’m on the plane.

PS: Gold Pass!

Post 1000

Here it is: My thousandth Good Reason post. And it only took five and a half years.

A lot about blogging has changed since I started the blog. Facebook got huge, and for a lot of people Facebook is their blog. I skipped Twitter, but got onto Google+, which may not be a Facebook killer (yet), but it is shaping up to be a Twitter killer. And there are podcasts, like my own ‘Talk the Talk‘.

What I’m finding is that these other forms of Internet expression are chipping around the edges of my blogging. I use FB or G+ for short ideas or links to articles about politics or religion that I don’t want to do a full blog post on. And ‘Talk the Talk’ is my outlet for linguistics items. So what’s Good Reason for?

What seems to be happening is that I’m using Good Reason less and less frequently, as a forum for pieces of writing which take longer to write, and require more thought. But I’m wondering if I want to post something short every day, like the most interesting link from my browsing that day.

But whatever happens, I’ll still be here posting stuff with some regularity. I don’t think anything else really does what the blog does for me, but its role might change a bit.

Do you find the same thing happening in your writing? Are other forms of media sapping your blog, or adding to it? Are we living in a post-blog era?

Post 900

I started ‘Good Reason’ five years and 900 posts ago, and now it feels like I’ve run out of things to say. Ever get that feeling? How do you avoid devolving into a cantankerous complaining crank? How do you keep from repeating yourself? What do you do to get back your blogging groove? Maybe I’m living and not having to write about living. Maybe that load of exams I just marked almost killed my enthusiasm for living entirely.

While you’re contemplating that, I’ll leave you with some recent sightings of the Daniel font. Very edgy, not very edgy, and somewhere in between.

Post 800

Eight hundred posts. How do I come up with so many things to write about?


I practice by glowering angrily in the mirror, denouncing random objects while hanging laundry, a few push-ups, and then typing random characters to see if they spell anything interesting.

Here are some stats regarding my posting.

Anyway, feel free to say anything you’d like in comments. That’s what we do around here for every hundredth post.

Post 700

On the eve of my 700th post on Good Reason, I find myself in Singapore. (I’m presenting at a conference.)

The conference hasn’t started yet, though, so I’m taking a day to look around Singapore. My strategy is to fling myself into the hurtling stream of people and see where I wash up. It’s going well. By dinner time, I was in Vegetarian Central with a steaming plate of rice and fake meat. And root beer. For some reason, A&W Root Beer is unaccountably popular in Singapore. You can’t get the stuff in Australia because they think it tastes like medicine. Figure that: the people who happily gulp down lemon lime and bitters won’t touch root beer because they think it tastes ‘weird’.

This is an open thread. Where does today find you?

Post 500

How about that? Somehow I’ve thought of 500 things to say. Or one thing, with 500 variations.

500 % 100 = 0, so by tradition, this is an open thread.

Open thread number 400!

Already it is Post 400. You may use this thread for any discussion you wish, like all the other threads. Maybe this would be a good place for comments about the ‘Who is the most batshit insane?” poll. For my part, I have to report a glaring omission: I forgot to add ‘9/11 truthers’ to the list. Oh well, maybe next time.

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