Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

I give it one star

You’ve got to give the the LDS Church credit for working the Internet. One of their latest suggestions for members eager to share that gospel message is here (h/t Chino):

Google Reviews for LDS Chapels

This task involves submitting a review of your local meetinghouse to Google. Doing so will help make our local meetinghouses more visible in Google searches for people who are looking for a church to attend.

People can submit Google reviews for churches? Sounds like fun!

You may find a visit here to be pleasant enough. If you decide to investigate the church more in-depth, you will be presented with an escalating series of commitments. At first, it’s going to 3-hour church meetings and reading the Book of Mormon. Eventually, you’ll have promised to give the church 10% of your income and even more of your time. They offer no evidence for their many outlandish claims, including God living near a star named Kolob, or ancient Hebrews building boats and sailing to America. You’re meant to accept all this based on feelings, which are no subsitute for evidence. Mormons are generally nice people, but you probably have better things to do.

Try writing one for your local meetinghouse. It’s hard to be concise, but the real trick is to sound sensible and well-reasoned. If you start raving about underwear, then you sound like the crazy one. It’s so unfair.


  1. Although I relish satire, it just seems a little mean-spirited to request people write spam reviews of anything. Like, you have a bad experience at Motel 6, so you ask all your friends to write bad reviews of it, just to cheese off Motel 6. Doesn't seem reasonable to me.

  2. It's reasonable for ex-Mormons to share their experiences and thoughts, just as it's reasonable for Mormons to do the same. It's just one more way for us to share our lack of faith and spread the message of the non-Gospel.

    Goose: gander.

  3. He's asking people who've actually stayed at a Motel 6 and had a bad experience to write reviews. He's not asking people to make stuff up.

  4. I love your review!
    I think it is fair and factual. I am not sure that any reviews submitted by current attendees of the church will be so accurate.

  5. Loved the review – I agree, fair and factual.

    1 star = perfect

  6. Just Googled all the LDS Churches in Delaware. 2.5 years later and only one of 8 locations had any reviews.

    The field is empty and to sow – should I go to it?

    Here are the two reviews – both at the same location

    1. Church of Jesus Christ of…, Non-Profit Organization

    2. Come worship God with us. We meet each Sunday to study the scriptures, to sing hymns, and to fellowship with each other as Christians. Come by yourself or with your family.

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