Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

O-Day Hijinx: Part 4 – Faith or death

When I was trolling teh Mormonz, one of them said something terribly sad and abhorrent.

This is what I really hate about religion. These guys have been carefully taught that their life is meaningless if they lose their faith. They now believe that their own reason for living isn’t good enough, and they’ve replaced it with the Church’s reason for living. This is sick dependency — it’s not the way to build self-reliance. Do not let this happen to you.

It also doesn’t seem to help you to think your way through an argument.


  1. I am loving this O-day series! (p.s. I flaked on you, I so meant to get my butt to O-day and then… looks like I seriously missed out too, that'll teach me to flake!).

    As for wanting to die if there is no God – I wanted to die when I discovered what an ass God was. So then when I realised he was most likely make believe I guess I got to have the experience of being excited about life due to the loss of God. However I did lapse back into the mourning period a few times but wow how cool is life!! especially when you get to make all of your own decisions πŸ˜€

  2. Begs the question: what do you replace it with (food analogy a little mundane?)Just interested.

  3. Hmmm – anything that makes you feel ALIVE Lovemyconvertible.

    For me:

    Exercise – some of it heavy duty like spin class, body combat etc. Some of it soulful like yoga, tai chi, beach walks etc.

    Sunsets. Sunrises. Nature. Sex. Dancing. Cocktails. Friends. Friends and cocktails πŸ˜‰ movies. laughter. playing games… sooooooo important to PLAY, be silly, kids are great for this, they'll help you get back to your childlike state πŸ˜€

    Hmmm, sleep.

  4. That sounds great, M. It's the nicest feeling to feel alive. I'm quite interested in testing the limits of both theist and atheist thought at the moment – call me silly but I want to get to a real answer in my lifetime (not just whimsical stuff). Not sure about you guys, but I've set my facebook page up as both a NewsFeed and a link to chat sites etc (occasionally I use it to catch up with my friends!) and mostly you can get blogs linked as well. Do you know the best Facebook-linked sites for the best mainstream theological debates that are open? Regards.

  5. I can't think of anything worse than a sensual experience stretching to eternity. The endless bowl of chocolate ice cream would end up tasting like dirt. A tickle is delightful because it is temporary. Too long and it becomes torture.

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