Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

I dumped my World Vision kid

It had to be done.


  1. I stopped donating to Samaritan's Purse for the same reason — I didn't want my money going toward proselytization. I now donate to non-religious charities.

    • You are right. They use the bible to cut each other’s throats. They work for very high salaries in poor countries.when expacts come stay in luxurious houses. Go trips in luxurious hotels for training. Staff enjoy foreign training and leave org. If the lower the salaries I don’t think there will be any Christians to work there. If you want to help sponsor a child directly through a trusted friend.

  2. Hi mate,

    long-time lurker, first time poster 🙂

    I'm not a Christian myself. I consider myself agnostic or maybe even a pragmatic agnostic going towards atheism. However, world vision Australia does do a lot of good work. I can understand why you don't want to donate to world vision Australia but it is an organization that does a lot of good work [maybe even more so than other charities and organization] maybe it's better to donate?

    Just out of curiosity, have you actually donated to other charities you have mentioned?

    This post reminds me of a Christian friend who told me that she refuses to purchase the prosh newspaper at uwa because it was "not Christian" and being "vile and disgusting" even though the money from the newspaper goes to several charities. She said that she would rather directly donate to those charities. I saw her several months later and asked her whether she had actually donated to those charities. She said she was "a bit busy "but she was going to do it soon. I saw her several months after that and she told me the same thing.

    Anyway, keep up the good work on your blog. I read it every day

  3. Hey, Tony.

    Fair question — I was wondering if anyone would ask!

    The day I had this conversation, I set up an automatic monthly donation thing to both MSF and Oxfam. Before then, I'd been a somewhat sporadic donor to MSF and Non-Believers Giving Aid, mostly when there were emergencies. Now it'll be a regular thing, like World Vision was.

    I agree that WV is doing some good things. Maybe some not so good things too. We're lucky that we can be so selective about our charities. We can fine tune our donations to target exactly the causes and motivations we want to encourage. What I'd like is for people to think about some of the effects of their donations, and make good choices.

    Thanks for commenting. If you're reading every day, I guess I better write something.

  4. Thanks Daniel 🙂

    I got your blog as an RSS feed! So as soon as you write something… BANG… I'm reading it ;]

  5. there was no salvery in the Bible, if you were to look at the context of that time you would know that they are Bond servants, if a person was not able to provide for himself he could choose to become a servent to someone who would pay them for a certain amount of time, once the contract was finished they could choose to continue working for them or to leave. They were willing servants not slaves.

  6. Well, thanks to the Christianity West was doing pretty good for many centuries. No, I am not trying to say the the Christians are, nor ever were perfect, they have screwed up a lot! Since you are Australian, do not forget, you got education based on Christian model. You would not be writing this if you were brought in Islamic Madrasa. Islam is to come to Australia pretty soon. Salam alleikum



  9. I just switched from World Vision (after reading about the ceo salary, after understanding they were Christian oriented, after discovering they are not that trensparent…)to Watsi… really interesting charity. 100% of the money goes to the cause (paying for medical expenses). You decide how much, or if you ant to give money to the organization for day to day functioning. Also they are 100% transparent and publish all their numbers. You can see all the people in need, you get updates, not only if it goes well… anyway I fell way better giving money to WATSI. Anyone heard about them ?
    Also great message about WV!

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