Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Word Lens

This has to be the coolest machine translation idea I’ve seen for a while.

Imagine taking this app on vacation in a foreign country. Can language goggles be far behind?

Notice that it doesn’t always try to twiddle the word order, even where it would be appropriate. On the other hand, it must be doing all kinds of text and character recognition under the hood. Not to mention colour and size matching. I bet later on they’ll try font matching.

Now if I can just get a copy to play with on my iPhone.

And an iPhone.

1 Comment

  1. lol – and an iphone.
    i saw on tv the other day an app that can see for the blind. it translates sounds. they did a demo with a woman who has been blind since birth, driving around in a taxi with her iphone held up to the window. As they went past a hedge it said "vegetation", they went past the big ben it said 'tall, vertical structure' and they went past pedestrians and it said 'people'. the inventor/designer/creator of the app has made available free.

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