Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

He’s pretty responsive to their wishes

The Kongressional Krayzee Korps has decided that President Obama doesn’t talk about the Sky-Fairy enough.

President Obama doesn’t mention God frequently enough in his speeches, a group of religious House Republicans said in an open letter to the president, chastising him for skipping over mention of the “Creator,” especially in a recent overseas address.

Forty-two members of the Congressional Prayer Caucus complained in a letter sent to the White House Monday that in a speech delivered last month in Indonesia, the president substituted the U.S.’s religious-themed national motto for a more secular alternative.

The letter suggests the speech was not an isolated incident but part of a series of remarks that “establishes a pattern” of the president intentionally excluding talk of God from his public remarks.

Republican crazies have made a demand, so you know what that means. Expect the number of god-references in presidential speeches to jump sharply.


  1. And just how few references has Obama ever made to the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Clearly it's a cover up!

  2. I need a 'ffs' button on the you say voting bar please.

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