Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Unable to have a word of your own? Adopt one.

The Oxford folks are urging, nay, imploring people to adopt a low-frequency word in their Save the Words campaign.

It’s a very attractive website, but it’s all a bit silly, really. Some words just don’t catch on, so there’s no point in trying to rescue them from obsolescence. But admit it — aren’t you glad that you could study ‘siagonology’, move about ‘roomthily’, or just act ‘vappous’ if you wanted to?

It’s bringing out the word nerd in me, I’m afraid to say.


  1. This makes me smile. Are they really trying to slow or stop the inevitabilities that come with language change? Words come and words go. Any linguistics undergrad could talk about it.

    On the other hand I am all about expanding ones vocabulary. 🙂

  2. It would make scrabble more interesting…

  3. I choose…. Orgiophant! And I promise to use it every chance I get!

  4. This one gave me a giggle:

    Magistricide – the killing of a teacher or a master.

    Morbid I know but check out the sentence they used to suggest a use for it –

    To reduce the chances of magistricide, all teachers will be attending the school reunion in bullet proof vests.


    Oh, and I really like the sound of 'vappous' but my online dictionary won't define it for me so I think it's already dead!?

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