Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

How to draw Mohammed — and why

UPDATE: More on Mohammed.

Here’s the pictorial Mohammed archive: Mohammed as depicted by Muslims

And an interesting article by Marlon Mohammed: Why I Will Draw Mohammed.

In the UK, each capitulation has been followed by another demand for yet another capitulation. By giving in to Muslim “sensitivity” demands, even at the expense of their own ancient culture, the Brits (and the other European nations) have only encouraged more demands.

At fault here is not Islamic extremism per se. It’s human nature. It is a basic element of our species to take when we see the opportunity to take, to demand more if we think we can get more. As children, we learn to test our parents and relatives. “Who lets me have the most cake? Daddy or mommy? Grandma or grandpa? Who will give in if I ask for one more piece?”

That’s why all good parents know the value of saying “no.”

Today I said “no”.


  1. I loved Sathya Sai Baba. Or was that Fletch?

  2. I agree with you. No, they don't have a right to enforce their views upon me. Unless they kill me first, which then it's a moot point.

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