Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

The world is a confusing place sometimes.

There are times when the news throws up some story just ambiguous enough that I don’t know what to think. Here are my current sources of mental torsion.

Switzerland’s War on Architecture

You know what? Minarets are annoying. About as annoying as church bells. First off, minarets tend to have either a muezzin or loudspeakers, either of which is noisy (though the Swiss minarets are supposed to be the quiet kind). Also, if we allow minarets today, we’ll have a caliphate tomorrow, and then falls Europe, or something like that.

But I can’t get behind the Swiss ban on minarets. As long as zoning and noise ordinances are obeyed, I think people should be allowed to be as big of idiots as they want, including practicing their religion and building buildings. Yes, churches are stupid, but if they’re not free to get their religious groove on, I’m not free to get my anti-religious groove on.

No, I’m not going soft on Islam. I still think Islam is currently the worst religion in the world, though other religions could easily pass Islam up. I mean, think of what you could accomplish if you had two million people working together. You might be able to stop the murder and violence against women that your religion engenders. Instead, they just do stupid shit like this.

Two Million Muslims to Stone Devil at Hajj

Two million Muslims are headed to Muzdalifa, Saudi Arabia, to cast stones at the devil in the most dangerous part of the annual hajj pilgrimage, Reuters reported.

Once the Muslim pilgrims get there, they will collect pebbles to throw at walls of the Jamarat Bridge to symbolize the rejection of the devil’s temptations.

Friggin’ jerks.

But towers aren’t where the fight is. We should be fighting to stop the formation of parallel justice systems based on what religion you are. We need to fight laws intended to punish criticism of religion. The minarets are only scary for people who are easily scared.

Meat in a vat

I already blogged about this when it was an idea, but now it seems they’ve gone and done it.

SCIENTISTS have grown meat in the laboratory for the first time. Experts in Holland used cells from a live pig to replicate growth in a petri dish.

The advent of so-called “in-vitro” or cultured meat could reduce the billions of tons of greenhouse gases emitted each year by farm animals — if people are willing to eat it.

Would I eat meat if no one has to die to make it? Is the image of muscle growing by itself in a vat of fluid too offputting? Why won’t the scientists try eating it? Will it taste like chicken? This is confusing on many levels.

Australian Liberal party changes drivers

They’ve dumped their leader Whatsisname. You know, the one who wanted to work to prevent climate change. Now they’ve guaranteed their irrelevance for the next ten years. This would normally be good, but I have nagging fears. What happens if the Liberal party does manage to sink climate change legislation and the Australian public isn’t pissed off at them?

Hot Mormon Muffins!

You’ve seen young Mormon hunks in the Men on a Mission calendar, but you’ve also thought, “What about the ladies? Will there be a cheesecake calendar full of sister missionaries?” Sadly for you, a calendar of sexy sisters was just a little too hot. They’ve decided to send up an image that’s equally ripe for satire, Mormon motherhood. It’s messing with my head because I’m imagining ladies from the old ward in Cheney, in vintage poses. With doilies.

Ta to Snowqueen.


  1. I would totally eat vat meat, so long as it was safe. I don't like being reminded of where (who) my meat comes from. I can't stand the pieces of chicken from KFC with the chicken spine; it freaks me out. A big blob of artificial delicious appeals to me in many ways.

  2. So the Libs have changed drivers, but there maybe a good reason for it. There is more to being first with an ETS and its no damn good if the big polluters don't come online. Kevin 007 has always said his policies were the same as the Libs.(at least he was saying that during the last election) – but now take a listen to the link below, and tell me why he has kept silent on this issue. An ETS is not going to solve the greater issues ahead of us. Its just the tip of the (melting) iceberg.

    Enjoy your confused life mate..!!
    But at least try to keep abreast of the issues, before giving us your superficial comments.

  3. Well, that is the typical line, isn't it, from people who think that other people should go first in doing something innovative or worthwhile.

    In fact, Australia can make a positive contribution by acting ahead of the world curve and presenting a system that others can emulate.

    By the way, I may be confused, but I'm not confused enough to be taking talking points from Monckton. Nice try.

  4. The calendar staggers me – I thought LDS were such puritans. I can relate a funny experience when I was a young arts undergrad. Two of the best looking american guys in suits on the front doorstep one evening; think I must have been bedazzled because before I knew it, I had a copy of the book of mormon in my hand. A little later I flicked through it as I was quite interested in comparative religion at the time, from a theoretical point of view, but I just didn't get it, or it seemed a little oddball to me. Ended up in the recycling bin.

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