Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Mormons v JW’s: Thinking of the children

Now that I have a bit of time to relax, I’m going through that Pew Report again. One thing that really stood out for me is how closely Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses show the same kinds of attitudes. They both take the Bible literally, they’re just as likely to attend weekly services, they don’t like evolution or gay people, and they both feel irrationally threatened by ‘Hollywood’.

But one difference is striking: Mormons are retaining their young people, while Jehovah’s Witnesses aren’t.

Mormons have a relatively high retention rate of childhood members compared with other major religious traditions. Seven-in-ten of those raised Mormon (70%) still identify as Mormon, a figure roughly comparable to that seen among those raised Catholic (68% are still Catholic) but somewhat lower than among those raised Protestant (80% are still Protestant and 52% are still in the same Protestant family). Jehovah’s Witnesses, by contrast, have a relatively low retention rate (only 37% are still Jehovah’s Witnesses).

That’s really low for the Witnesses, especially when you consider how important kids are for the growth of the movement. (Just look at the Shakers. If you can find them, that is.)

So why is there such a difference between Mormons and JW’s on this score? It can’t be because LDS youth just love church so much. Religion’s kind of a boring and depressing pain in the ass either way.

Is it the door-to-door stuff? Tracting was bad enough as a 20-year-old; it would have been infinitely worse as a teenager in my own town. With my parents.

But I don’t know if that’s it. Someone help me out here.


  1. Looking for some detail. It says 70% still identify as mormon. One thing the mormons do well is create a sense of history and culture. Just like catholics and jews. Could it be that, like I do, many non beleivers still hold onto their mormon "cultural history" and are mormon like others are "catholic"??

  2. By and large, it's okay to admit that you are a mormon, or were raised mormon. JWs have less tolerance in society.

    Besides, JWs have a higher standard of membership, so they might be partially contributing to the problem of young people leaving.

  3. Mormon teenagers have one of the greatest social networks of any group I have ever seen! I personally think that goes a long way in contributing to the phenomenon! Oh yeah – that and good old fashinoned Mormon guilt! If you deny it – and it happens to be true – you are in much worse shape than if you just become "less active" and still identify as "mormon". Just my two cents

  4. Must be the stake dances. I wonder if the Witnesses have anything similar.

  5. @Res

    I just want to make sure it is clear that I do not consider myself as LESS active. I am 100% out of the mormon church. But if the question is what is my religious background than I identify, sheepishly. as mormon. I have no worries about the shape of my non-existent afterlife. Now mormon guilt, thats a tougher one, 🙂

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