Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

All part of a plot to expand my media empire

I’ve been having fun on Perth radio station RTRFM. For the last few weeks, I’ve been appearing on their show ‘Talk the Talk’, which happens on Tuesdays at about 11:30 am. I get to talk about linguistic things, and people in Perth get to listen.

You can find streaming broadcasts on the RTRFM Morning Magazine site. Here are links to the broadcasts.

11 August: Metaphors of time
18 August: Is your dog as smart as a two-year-old?
25 August: Not about language; this one’s for plugging RTR-FM and getting people to subscribe.

If you want to skip all the other stuff, I’m on pretty close to the end of each broadcast.


  1. I was on my way home to do my Ling1102 assignment when I heard you on the radio.

    It was quite scary.

  2. I love telling people about the "walking backwards through time" thing.

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