Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

UWA Atheist meeting

The UWA Atheist and Agnostic Society is having its AGM on Tuesday, 28 April. We’ll be voting for committee members and probably having some discussion on some activities we’ll be having later on in the year. Talks? Debates? Piss-ups? All on the table.

If you’re a person of little faith (or better yet, none), why not drop on by? I’ve been acting as sort of an unofficial faculty supervisor, but I may well find myself on the committee.

That’s tomorrow at 1 PM, in General Purpose Building 2, room G16.


  1. Well? Are you on the committee?

  2. I’ll be there in spirit. HA!

  3. Yes, I am on committee. Unsurprisingly, I’m the Poster Guy. Who does the posters.

    I’m also the Designated Arguer for all the Christians who crash our meetings. I kind of like that because I usually feel a bit pugnacious on a Thursday.

  4. Why do you feel pugnacious on Thursdays?
    And what exactly do you talk about?

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