Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

On second thought, maybe I’ll wear a different shirt today

Even though religiously-motivated sexual repression is a very sad thing to watch, it does have its hilarious side. Witness the ex-Masturbator t-shirt. Imagine trying to have a conversation with someone wearing that. Pleased to meet you. I won’t shake hands, thanks.

Atheist t-shirts have a certain transgressive appeal, if you don’t mind offending people just by walking down the street (which I don’t). But you can’t pull off edgy and squeaky-clean at the same time, and people look like idiots by trying to do so. At least they’re not as bad as the unintentionally homo-erotic Mormon t-shirts.

Speaking of sexual repression: according to a recent study, guess which state has the most porn subscribers per capita?

How’d you know?

Those states that do consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study finds.

The biggest consumer, Utah, averaged 5.47 adult content subscriptions per 1000 home broadband users; Montana bought the least with 1.92 per 1000. “The differences here are not so stark,” Edelman says.

Number 10 on the list was West Virginia at 2.94 subscriptions per 1000, while number 41, Michigan, averaged 2.32.

Eight of the top 10 pornography consuming states gave their electoral votes to John McCain in last year’s presidential election – Florida and Hawaii were the exceptions. While six out of the lowest 10 favoured Barack Obama.

There are a few holes in the study. I suppose it’s possible that it’s just the non-Mormons in Utah ordering up all the porn. But you combine this result with the ‘men kissing‘ item from Google Trends, and the picture begins to emerge.


  1. Hmm… I don’t know – the preponderance of porn *subscriptions* in Utah tells me they don’t know how to find it for free.

  2. What was this post about again. All I can think about is the girl in the photo. Give me a few minutes to myself will you.

  3. oh, and the Mormon tee got me a little hot too. That Maroni, he’s a hottie.

  4. So long as you aren’t perving on Helaman’s warriors. For some odd reason, BoM enthusiasts read ‘stripling’ as muscle-bound when it really means underage – NAMBLA anyone?

  5. L

    You can be an “ex-masturbator”, but that won’t change the fact that you’re still a wanker for wearing that shirt.

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