Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

2008 election thread

It’s tomorrow in Australia, so I don’t need to stay up late for an election live-blog.

10:43 am
What’s up with Virginia?
What’s up with North Carolina? the other way?

10:45 am
When you listen to electoral coverage, and someone says that America needs ‘a new direction’, I think it’s funny to imagine that they’re saying ‘a nude erection’. Try it.

11:00 am
More polls closing.
Exciting to watch the blue states coming up.
North Dakota for McCain. There goes my prediction. I thought it would hold some surprises, but no.
But they’re not projecting Arizona! Would Arizona too much to ask?

11:15 am
Pennsylvania: I heart u.
Okay, Virginia’s coming back.
Indiana’s doing interesting things.

11:17 am
The Australian TV analysts are being far more candid than the US anchors are willing to be (or ought to be). Here they’re calling it a done deal for Obama.

11:27 am
Ohio is called for Obama. I’d say that’s a done deal. I just want Florida to go for Obama, just to get the trifecta.

11:27 am
Man, Virginia’s close, but it’s coming along. I wish Missouri’d do a flip.

12:51 pm
Florida’s looking great! At this point, it’s all about crushing their spirits.

12:55 pm
Could the Australian TV people please stop calling it the Democrat Party, kthxbai.

1:00 pm
I seriously have tears in my eyes watching everyone in Grant Park. Everyone’s so happy. The long nightmare is almost over. This is history, and it’s happening right now, and I’m so proud to be an American this day.

1:12 pm
At this point, it’s all cleanup. Arizona’s not going to go blue. Missouri probably not either. Less than I was hoping, but a win’s a win.

1:19 pm
If I never hear McCain say “My friends” again…

I thought only speakers of British English said “an historic occasion”.

1:23 pm
McCain’s giving a nice speech. Sounds like he’s having trouble controlling the crowd, which isn’t surprising given the hysterical hyping up he gave them the last four weeks. It doesn’t help that he’s a bit tone-deaf on the applause lines. But this can’t be an easy speech to give, and he’s striking the right notes.

Sarah Palin’s an ‘impressive new voice’ in the GOP? No, she’s the voice of the Christian Right, which we’ve been hearing for 20 years. And we’re not rid of them yet.

Now McCain has to live with what he became during this campaign.

1:29 pm
No on Arizona, no on Missouri, but look at Indiana. That’d be a nice cherry on the cake.

1:33 pm
Nervous about North Carolina. I really want that to go over the line.

Now I’m looking at the Senate races. And Prop 8 is being counted now.

1:37 pm
Oh, man. Franken’s ahead just a whisker.

1:42 pm
This is a day for dancing on couches. That’s what I did in ’92 when Clinton won. Couch dance. What a feeling.

1:44 pm
What about Montana? It’s early, but I’d love to see it happen.

Obama just exudes this aura of cool. Isn’t he suave up there on stage?
You have to hand it to the campaign team. They called it all the way along.


  1. North Carolina is looking really good. Mostly, even in the reddest of states I like that mccain is under performing from 2004 so even though I know my popular vote was unrealistic he is well on his way to being a dem president with over 51% of the popular vote. It looks like the only question now is how big will the wave be.

    btw…Mrs. Dole and Sinunnu (sp) are GONE. 🙂

  2. also Penn is done in the Obama side so game over and florida looks like she’s going blue too.

  3. I heart Ohio. A blue state again.

  4. What… I called it an hour ago.

  5. Florida is starting to look VERY blue.

  6. OK I’m popping the champagne right now.

  7. The other good news is that the puds are getting swept out of the house and senate. America is not only embracing the Obamas but is giving them the tools to get work done!

  8. Champagne popped!

    Well, sparkling cider.

  9. And Virginia goes blue too!!!

  10. Feeling more optimistic now? 🙂

  11. Tears and pride. Time for all of us to get behind this man and be America again. All across the country and the world… let’s ask how can I help…HOW CAN I HELP.

    I think we now have a leader that will have answers for us.

    Florida goes blue.

  12. I wish he had said an historic… for all americans, instead of african americans. But other than that I do think he was saying what we needed to hear from him.

    He must be mortified by the people in the crowd. If those are your supporters, whats the point.

    I don’t think Palin had any problem with those people however.

  13. I’m getting ready to be proud of Montana, how ’bout that.

  14. The good news I have heard on props..

    Colorado voted down the person hood prop.

  15. I cried listening to Obama’s speech this morning. I told my children they were living in history. I just hope his security is top notch.

  16. I’m pleased with the election result, but disappointed about prop 8 =(

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