Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Tire gauge Republicans

There’s a group of people in America that refuse to take personal responsibility for their problems. They just want the government to do everything for them. They’re called Republicans.

Look at the current tire gauge flap. Obama mentioned in a recent campaign speech that keeping tires inflated could help improve gas mileage. The McCain team has gone nuts over the matter, claiming (dishonestly) that tire gauges represent the whole of Obama’s energy policy. They’d rather drill the Arctic instead.

See, they could take responsibility for making sure that their cars are tuned up properly and have the tires inflated to the right pressure. But they’re too lazy and irresponsible. So instead they want the government to give the go-ahead on more drilling. But giving them more oil will just keep them addicted.

It seems the Democratic Party stands for personal responsibility. Those Republicans are always looking for government handouts.

1 Comment

  1. You see, it is republican attacks like this, that seem to work in the states, that make me very leary trusting the american public to make good choices in November.

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