Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

L’affaire Edwards

I’ve read everyone in the world’s opinions on John Edwards’ affair. The weird thing is, every time I read someone’s comment, I agree with it, even things that contradict other things I agree with.

It’s none of the public’s business. If Edwards had been some moral crusader, then fair game. Moral crusaders think everyone’s sex life is an open book, ergo so is theirs. But Edwards was not one of these, and I’d rather it be something for him and his family to deal with.

It matters because voters think it matters. I wish everyone thought like me, but they don’t. America contains many puritanical hypocrites, who I suppose want to be represented. And if they don’t like someone’s sexual behaviour, they have the right to not vote for them. That’s the game, and everyone goes into politics knowing it.

I’m disappointed in John Edwards. I quite liked him, and would have been glad to see him take the nomination. Imagine if that had happened, and here we’d be in a state of hosedness.

Edwards was reckless and immoral. Cheating on your cancer-stricken wife really sucks balls. And he was stupid. Have we learned nothing from Bill Clinton? Gary Hart?

I’m angry with Elizabeth Edwards, too. She knew about the affair when John was campaigning, but they both chose to go through with it anyway, and risk instant campaign death and four years of President McCain. I think we Democrats dodged a bullet.

McCain is worse. But there are lots of other reasons not to vote for McCain that are actually good, as in this article about why McCain would make a mediocre president at best.

I hope the Edwardses can make a contribution to American public discourse once again, because I’d hate to have this be the last thing we hear about them.


  1. J’Accuse!

    Maureen Dowd went all “Old Skool Maureen Dowd” in her column this week, and there I was in the Anger Phase nodding along with her. I FINALLY donate to a campaign…I could stand him not makin’ the cut, but knowing this shit was in his closet and still going for it, thats a problem. I don’t really have a problem with Liz keepin a lid on it, as I’m pretty sure he was going to go ahead w/ the ‘paign regardless, but I must say I am angry he would cheat on her,someone who I hold in such high regard. I was more excited about Liz being first lady than John being Prez.
    At least Donna Rice was hot! Well she was when I was 16 anyway…

  2. I am really sick and tired of America being more concerned with what goes on in a persons bedroom than what their policies are. So many very good leaders from all time periods and all cultures have shared the same picadillos.

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