Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Biden veep pick

So Obama has chosen Joe Biden as his running mate. Everyone go ahead and add him to your spell check dictionary. I’ll wait.

I didn’t know a lot about Biden, so I headed over to (where else) the Wikipedia page about his political positions. He seems sensible enough in most ways. He’ll probably make a good Vice President.

But here’s what occurs to me. Yes, the bolus of infection that is the American Republican Party will explode in an ugly geyser of pus come November. We’ll probably never be rid of it entirely, but it is struggling, and its influence will be greatly diminished in the next election cycle. Even so, the goals of movement conservatism have largely been met. We can understand the effects of a movement by what it leaves behind when it inevitably dies, and movement conservatism has pushed things really far to the right. You can now support abstinence education, Israel, a same-sex marriage ban, and building a wall on the Mexican border, and still be thought of as a reasonably moderate liberal.

Don’t get me wrong — I like his positives, which are many. But remember the lesson of the Overton Window: extremists in a movement defend the indefensible, and thus make the unthinkable thinkable. It’s worked. Some of Biden’s views are out there. Like crazy grandpa out there. Just sayin’.

1 Comment

  1. I’m excited and a little worried by Biden. He’s combustible.Not in the McCain “I Truly Do Have A Volcanic Temper” way, but more his way of saying something course yet true and not really caring about the fallout. If I hear about the ’88 plagarism scandal and the ‘unqualified’ comment one more time, the record is already starting to skip.
    I used to work in Wilmington and catch the train back to Philly, I used to run into him on the platform sometimes, and occasionally chatted. He’s always been our families favorite politician, in a house where politics was verboten.
    Fingers crossed!!

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