Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Happy Nerdmas!

Yes, I did turn 15,000 days old on Sunday. And I know because of the Birthday Calculator. To celebrate the event, I wrote a lot of maudlin things that you’d never want to read, and then to spare you the agony, I deleted them.

I’ll just say that this next 15,000 days (if I get them all) are going to be the best. Found true love? Check! Had two charming sons? Check. Thesis finished? Almost check! (Check minus. But soon.) I figure even if I died today, I still got a lot more life than most people in history ever did.

I feel like I now have a grip on this ‘living’ thing. As an adolescent, I used to feel angry or morose a lot, like I suppose people do. Thank goodness that phase passed. Now I feel more comfortable, more like me. I feel pretty good where I am, and ready for the rest of my life.

I really like being alive.


  1. Daniel, you don’t look a DAY over 13,000!

    Goodnight folks, try the veal!

  2. Any chance of finding the maudlin stuff again and sending it out to me?

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