Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Great Mayans think alike.

All over the net, people are worried about the end of the world because of TEH MAYANZ. The Mayans knew everything about the universe and the future, though it’s doubtful how much credit they should get, since alien technology might have been involved. They correctly predicted the Harmonic Convergence, which ushered in the current age of peace and prosperity. Unfortunately, the Mayan calendar ‘ends’ on 12 December 2012, hence the current Net freakout.

People have been predicting the end of the world for a long time. For reference, here’s a long list of failed prophecies. (Notice how the author of this list seems to think the end is coming nonetheless.)

Let’s examine the claims of the prophets of 12-21-12 (or 21-12-12, thank you).

  • Via Satan’s Rapture: A massive ‘comet planet’ will hit the earth, as predicted by Nostradamus (clever fellow).
  • From Survive 2012: The earth’s magnetic polarity will reverse, causing ‘pure, unimaginable horror’ as food and transport disappear and compasses go awry.
  • On ViewZone: The earth will pass through the Galactic Equator as the major planets line up, causing gravity to go haywire.

I’d like to add one more:

  • Mass amnesia, as the predictions fail to come true and people inexplicably forget they ever believed all that stuff, and go on to the next thing.

Isn’t it great to be rational? It saves you so much worry and trouble. Tell you what. If you’re going to believe in the Mayans, don’t be a wimp about it; do it properly. Perform human sacrifice. Starting with your own dumb self.

1 Comment

  1. It would help if the Mayans *had* actually predicted the end of the world. They didn’t though, their calendars were cycles, not countdowns.
    If I used the TARDIS to go back and show them these prophecies, they’d probably laugh. …and then sacrifice me to Tezcatlipoca.

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