Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Sometimes crotch-grabbing is okay, and sometimes it just isn’t.

You can see how a belief in the Evil Eye might have gotten started: you hate someone, you give them filthy glares, and if a rock falls on them — voila! a superstition is born!

How to protect oneself? Another superstition!

The Italian supreme court has outlawed men from touching their genitals in public.

Crotch-grabbing is an ancient superstitious habit in Italy that is believed to ward off the evil eye.

It’s traditional for men to do it if passed by a hearse or when discussing serious illness or disasters.

However, the supreme court ruled that a 42-year-old man from Como had broken the law by “ostentatiously touching his genitals through his clothing”.

Italy, eh? I was going to say that there must be a correlation between religiousness and superstition, but Jesus and Mo already beat me to it.


  1. One of my scariest roomates ever had convinced himself that he could mentally change the crosswalk light. He was also pretty sure I was a secret agent with the CIA. I moved at the end of the month.

    Isn’t it strange that we call that mental illness but praying to Jesus to make our health better is just fine.

  2. I thought you were a CIA agent. Admit it.

    Yeah, it’s funny:

    “I can heal people by putting chocolate sauce on their head and praying to Molech.”

    Dangerous weirdo.

    “I can heal people by putting olive oil on their head and praying to Elohim.”

    Normal guy.

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