Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Scientology protests

We are fast approaching the day of reckoning — hackers against the Church of Scientology.

Anonymous internet users who have previously crashed Church of Scientology websites have named February 10 as a worldwide day of protest in a bid to “destroy” the controversial religion.

The group – called Anonymous – which includes skilled computer hackers, has posted a message on YouTube declaring war on Scientology, accusing it of trying to censor the internet and conducting “campaigns of misinformation”.

Advocating acts of vigilante vandalism is always fraught. Encourage the mobs, and the next target of their ire may not be to your liking. YouTube? Wikipedia? Blogger?

And yet, it’s hard to imagine an organisation that has done more to earn the enmity of Netizens more richly. Scientology has a long history of using malicious lawsuits (and even raids) to intimidate and harass people who publish the mythology of their money-making religion. Not to mention the really scary stuff, like infiltration and wiretapping of government organisations. So I’m excited to see what will happen on the 10th. It couldn’t happen to a nicer church.

I know it’s late, but does anyone have info on protests in Perth?

1 Comment

  1. Youtube abounds with videos from all over the world of kids doing the ‘Honk if you hate Scientology’ prank. We were just in Adelaide and there were 2 different groups we saw doing it.
    I doubt this ‘hackers’ thing will have any teeth once the prospect of attaching yourself to it for notoreity diminishes.

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