Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Westboro Baptists picket Heath Ledger

Well, well, well. Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church are planning to picket Heath Ledger’s memorial service. You know them; they’re the ones with the “God Hates Fags” signs. Apparently protesting the funerals of US soldiers isn’t bringing in the attention like it used to, so they’re kicking it up a notch.

Doesn’t look like they’re actually going to make it to Perth (the likely spot of the funeral).

In a news release from the church, Shirley Phelps-Roper says that she and other members will picket Ledger’s memorial services in the United States, not those held in his native Australia.

Too bad — there’d be all kinds of fun. But flying the entire congregation over would be expensive and time consuming. Then there’s accommodation. Would other Christians billet them? I think even the Potter’s House people would hesitate to have them over.

One thing I will say: the WBC folks are truly living their religion. They have absolute faith that they’re going to heaven and everyone else to hell. The theology they’ve settled on is certainly one of the possible Christianities that one could derive from the Bible, and who are other Christians to say that their theology is wrong? Other Christians claim to believe that homosexuality is a sin, but they don’t act like they mean it. The WBC folks have taken a normal mainstream Christian belief to its logical conclusion.

For my part, I notice that everyone creates gods in their own image. That’s why I’m sort of encouraged to see humankind make the transition from Old Testament genocidal maniac to New Testament groovy love god. Everyone picks and chooses from the scriptures according to whatever’s inside of them. By that standard, the Westboro Baptists are very scary people indeed.


  1. I can’t decide which part I find more disgusting; their wanton disregard for his family or their pathetic belief that they are the voice (and hand) of God. How arrogant is that! And how disturbing is it that they could treat people the way they do without feeling any guilt because of their faith.

    And if they can claim that a natural disaster like a hurricane is Gods will/revenge, I think I can claim that me punching one of them in the face is the hand of God. I mean, he would have stopped me otherwise…

  2. Must… restrain… You know what they say: don’t feed the martyrs.

    Good to remember, too, that any religion that makes rules (presumably given by God) partakes in that same arrogance.

    Evidently they don’t like how some people conduct their sex lives. I think I rather disapprove of theirs, since it seems to make more of them.

  3. Damn I know, punching them makes them think you’ve proven their point. *fumes*

    I feel sorry for their many spawn, but also wish they didn’t exist.

  4. I had trouble deciding whether to post this here, or under GBH. It seems Phelps and co. will be picketing Gordon B. Hinckley’s funeral when they’re done with Mr Ledger.

    WBC’s travel costs must be enormous.

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