Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Nutbars: behold your god.

Why are people suddenly surprised to find that Ron Paul is a paranoid bigoted conspiracy theorist? I knew he was a John Birch-style extremist as soon as I saw the John Birch-style extremists lining up to form his fanbase. I’ve lived among these people, heard them popping off about quitting the UN, going back on the gold standard, and abolishing the Federal Reserve and the income tax. No matter how much sense they seem to make on individual issues, you can smell the aroma of bat guano a furlong away.

People have been trying to figure out whether Ron Paul is the new Howard Dean or the new Ralph Nader. Neither; he’s the new Lyndon LaRouche.


  1. I don’t know any of those people, but ‘nutbars’ is a fantastically descriptive insult.

  2. I’m still bewildered by his massive support on the interwebs even after its become common knowledge that he voted against Net Neutrality. I guess he didn’t Digg it.
    Forget Ron Paul, from what I saw in the numbers at the N.H. Primary, the top dogs need worry about “Write-in Votes” S/he seems to be getting more support in each state.

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