Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Chick tracts

Don’t you love Chick tracts, in an awful way? PZ at Pharyngula has reminded me of this one about why evolution is a filthy devil-spawned lie. It’s called ‘Apes, Lies, and Ms. Henn‘.

If you don’t feel like clicking through, this panel nicely sums up the passive aggression of Extreme Christianity.

That’s right; I’ll pray for you — because you’re going to Hell.

I plan to use that line as I drop the boys off at school. Bye, boys! Remember not to believe in evolution instead of Jesus, or you’re going to Hell! Lucky for me I don’t ‘believe’ in evolution.*

While we’re on the subject of Chick tracts, here’s one of my favourite parodies: This Is Your Death!

It has a special place in my heart because of this idea on its back page:

1. Enjoy life while you can.
2. Be nice to others; they only get one life, too.

Believe it or not, it was the first time I could really grasp why lack of belief in an afterlife might not automatically lead to a life of psychopathic hedonism. I can now see why that was stupid, but a lifetime of church can do that to a person.

*Instead, I accept it as an accurate explanation of what’s happened in life on Earth, supported by overwhelming physical evidence.


  1. Holy crap, thanks for bringing back some creepy memories from childhood Daniel! We used to find these in the movie theatre bathrooms in Jersey. They use to scare the shit out of me! Not because of the content but because they came from ‘False Religion’ or even worse…APOSTATES! I need a shower, I feel all oogy and what not.

  2. I used to be frightened by these things, too. I used to think it was the power of the Evil One, but now I realise that I was frightened by Teh Stupid. It makes me feel skeert.

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