Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

The Golden Compass

Today was the opening day for ‘The Golden Compass’ in Australia. Took the boys, and we all really enjoyed it. I haven’t read the books yet, and I’ve been avoiding the carping from those who have. The film had a good feel to it, like being dropped into a magical past that’s by turns quaint and genteel, then opulent and elegant, then rough and lawless.

The film copped some flak from religious groups who likely hadn’t seen it, as well as the Vatican because of its references to ‘the Magisterium’, a monolithic (but waning) organisation trying to grab for power while destroying children’s souls. Now why do you suppose religions would see their own reflection in that mirror? As for me, I didn’t see anything overtly religious about the Big M in the film; I viewed it as symbolic of any authoritarian, paternalistic organisation. Which some religions can be. So can lots of other groups. Avoid them.

The jaw-dropping bear fight, where Iorek returns to his tribe to claim the throne, was exciting, but a bit grisly. Sorry.

And there was a new Kate Bush song over the credits. A very good choice.

So I quite liked the film, and I’m looking forward to the next one, should it get green-lighted. Only one snag: the boys are atheists now, as are all the children who went to the cinema with us. Oops.


  1. I took my children to see it too and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. My eldest had just read it and noticed some of the alterations. I’ve read all three and the film has definitely played down the religious element. The books are worth reading – I was riveted. I have no idea how they will manage to make the third film without enraging Christians worldwide though!!

  2. Sunday evening after a viewing of Wes Andersons’wonderful ‘Darjeeling Limited’ the wife and I stumbled into a few JW’s from our local ‘Kingdom Hall’ who had just seen the latest brain-DOA Alien vs. Predator turkeyshoot. They not only reminded us that there was a big convention-tent revival-fear rally for Witnesses in our circuit that we were supposed to be at that weekend (oops, wink! I’m still under the radar Daniel), but they lovingly warned us not to see ‘The Golden Compass’ because it was mentioned by name from the platform at said Riefenstahlian Bible Spectacular that very morning, as a symbol of Satans influence on the world, and that true Christians (the kind with vacant stares and four-door cars)should flee from such repulsive entertainment. Thank goody-gumdrops they warned us or I would now have third degree sulphur burns on my soul. Have fun in hell suckers!

  3. Golden Compass was satanic and AvP Requiem wasn’t? I think I’d need an exorcism after the latter, if only because paying money to see it would indicate possession. Have any other films been implicated in the Coming Tribulation, or was this the first?

    Glad to see you’re as subversive as ever! Go undercover as long as you need to.

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