Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Values voters all switch to Oreos

I’m way behind in the War on Christmas — I haven’t even started on my War on Christmas shopping yet. But I was heartened to see this latest salvo in the push to get Jesus out of the holidays.

See that? Xmas trees! Not only are Doritos celebrating paganism in tasty tree form (in defiance of Jeremiah 10), but even the name of Christ has been replaced by an X.

This might seem like a minor thing. Some may even point out that the X in Xmas is actually the Greek letter chi, the first letter in ‘Christ’. But at this special time of year, let’s savour even the small and delicious victories. And keep it up! Perhaps in just a couple of years, we can convert Christmas into a bland, secular holiday focused mainly on commerce. Forward, comrades!


  1. All I can say is… xmas/Christmas is awesome!

    Woo! Can’t wait to start shopping… But not tomorrow, I’m going to sleep allllll day long. 😀

  2. Being from the Northwest I approve of the Tree worship. And while both belief systems were blood based I bet paganism was a lot less bloody than Christianity. Doesn’t the x-mas story start with a decree to kill all the first born?

  3. Ah, the Slaughter of the Innocents. BTW, that part doesn’t seem to have actually happened, fortunately. No other source corroborates it. Even Josephus, who was pretty diligent about chronicling Roman injustices, fails to mention any wholesale dispatching of two-year-olds.

    What?! The Bible tells a story that didn’t really happen? I know, calm yourselves.

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