Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Men on a mission… to thrill!

This calendar is all kinds of awesome, even though it makes me feel all funny and confused. Beefcake photos of returned LDS missionaries.

I only work out on P-day, President, honest.

Everyone seems to love juxtaposing the straight arrow image of LDS missionaries against their complete hottness. Everyone except Latter-day Saints; either they know better (many of my mission companions were intolerable; few were hott) or they place missionaries in the no-sex zone occupied (in theory) by Catholic priests.

Not that Mormonism doesn’t blur sex and spirit. Christianity is a patriarchal religion; it has a father-god, and it centers on love for Jesus. And with all that man-love going on, we shouldn’t be surprised if we find some sublimated (homo)eroticism in there somewhere.

Or not so sublimated. Here’s one t-shirt design that was popular a few years back:

And remember these? 1|2|3

But if you think this project will make people uncomfortable, imagine if a calendar came out with cheesecake photos of returned sister missionaries. What would happen? Would it go under the radar because sister missionaries are somehow less iconic to the church’s image? Or would it raise more of a fuss because they’re women?

1 Comment

  1. One of the posters on the MADboards is in the calendar and made an announcement about it a while back. “When’s the Sister Missionary one coming out?” was the first question asked.

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