Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Christianist comes out against democracy

‘Ten Commandments’ judge Roy Moore takes a stand against a democratically-elected congressman, and says that only Christians should be allowed to lead the country.

Muslim Ellison should not sit in Congress

Last month Keith (Hakim Mohammad) Ellison of Minnesota became the first Muslim elected to serve in the United States Congress and shocked many Americans by declaring that he would take his oath of office by placing his hand on the Quran rather than the Bible. Can a true believer in the Islamic doctrine found in the Quran swear allegiance to our Constitution? Those who profess a sincere belief in Allah say “no!”

It’s the zombie meme that wouldn’t die. Congresspeople don’t take an oath on any book.

To support the Constitution of the United States one must uphold an underlying principle of that document, liberty of conscience, which is the right of every person to worship God according to the dictates of his conscience, without interference by the government.

Sounds good so far. So what’s Moore’s problem with Ellison doing just that?

It was a specific God who endowed us with a freedom of conscience with which government could not interfere.

The Islamic faith rejects our God and believes that the state must mandate the worship of its own god, Allah.

But it’s okay to mandate the worship of the Christian god, because the Christian one gave us freedom of conscience. But then we’re not free to exercise it. But we’re free to worship the Christian God who gave us freedom of conscience to let other people force us to worship him. Is this one of those paradoxes, like the barber who only shaves every man who doesn’t shave himself? My head is spinning.

Even though it’s frustrating having Christianists around, it’s good to see them showing their true colours. It’s they who reject the constitution and seek to force everyone to worship their god. Freedom of religion means their freedom and their religion, not yours. Freedom of conscience means their freedom to control your conscience. Reproductive rights means their right to control your reproduction. And now freedom to vote means freedom to vote for who they think is suitable.

Bet he’s gay.


  1. I didn’t realise that Muslims and christians (or jews for that matter) had different gods.

    kiawid: a compact Korean video conferencing booth

  2. Yep, its been proven.

    Interestingly, Latter-day Saints in Muslim countries (there are some) do use the term ‘Allah’ in prayers.

    gokrl: a Romanian variety of chicken

  3. The Arabic translation of the Book of Mormon consistently uses ‘Allah’ for God. Dan Peterson was telling me that it literally means ‘the God’ and has the same root as Elohim.

    We have a new-convert family that just moved here from Saudi Arabia. The father of the family caused quite a stir at Church when he claimed he’s worshipped the same God all his life, both as Muslim and Mormon. It shocked and offended a few people to learn that all us barbaric Abrahamic religions share the same deity ;P

  4. Allah is just the Arabic word for God and Muslims are quite clear that they are referring to the same God of Christians and Jews. Jesus is a saint in Islam and most Muslims are deeply shocked by Christians’ lack of concern when people disrespect Jesus. In fact many Christians are stunned to discover there are Christians Arabs as if Christianity sort of appeared in the Middle East to white people who were on holiday and went back to Europe a couple of weeks later.

    xcatmoi: Vietnamese cat-tail soup (actually made from eel)

  5. You could understand why it’s important for some folks to believe that they’re totally separate gods. If it were the same god, well, that’d be common ground! Can’t have that.

    I hope those folks are in the minority — props to Christians who see through it.

    okygofrf: What Ned Flanders said just before the boa constrictor attack.

  6. Oh Mr Midgley. You’re in trouble. Moved rooms ey? We tried everywhere: Linguistics, Arts, Computer rooms…Where were you hiding at about 12:30pm today?

    qwjilugr: The ghost you turn into when you put on sunscreen.

  7. Heh. Hiding in the most obvious place.

    aijuld: An ornate Scandinavian drinking vessel

  8. Lunchroom?

    sikrqzi: An ancient Mayan version of the modern spa.

  9. Lunchroom!

    I’m in Soc2.51, like all good postgraduates.

    But though I may have been banished, I will yet emerge. And when I do, I will occupy the finest office anywhere.

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