Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

What I am thankful for

There’s a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and not just the Democratic Congress.

I’m thankful that the US President has pardoned the Presidential turkey. And the backup turkey. So now everyone at the White House will be heading for a delicious vegetarian dinner complete with Tofurkey.

What? Oh.

I’m thankful that although an atheist will never be president of the USA, we’re still figuring somewhere between Mormons and Muslims.

The response to a theoretical Mormon candidate is far less negative than the response to a Muslim candidate or an atheist. Sixty-one percent (61%) of Likely Voters say they would never consider voting for a Muslim Presidential candidate. Sixty percent (60%) say the same about an atheist.

W00T! We beat Muslims by a point! We’re slightly less unpopular than a group of people that the entire US Government has spent a decade demonising! Movin’ on up, with the George Jefferson walk!

I’m thankful for the writing of Deepak Chopra. I’m serious — I really find it inspirational. Know why? Because when Chopra puts out his tendentious, poorly thought-out bullshit on the Huffington Post, instantly a thousand commenters blast him for it. And articulately so: they are able to explain exactly why he’s so full of crap. Inspirational!

I am thankful for Hamulation. Yes, that’s vegetarian soy ham log. With my famous pineapple glaze, it’s a delicious Thanksgiving traditional meal, and no one had to die.

Most of all, though, I’m thankful for the people who have loved me and added to my life. And I’m really happy to just be alive. A lot of people aren’t. And they’re missing out on the Hamulation.

Big smooches and happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I am thankful for Lauren cooking me my first Thanksgiving dinner! Even if we do have to build a turkey.

  3. It’s not my fault that England only has turkeys at Christmas! I am doing my best with what they gave me…even if it isn’t much of a selection.

    I guess that makes me thankful I managed to get turkey steaks and legs for the occasion.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it!
    I see you got your internet cord back Daniel? Finished marking then? How about that thesis?
    Thanks for the link!

  5. Gobble gobble. Thanks for the Giving Day.

    A great day to volunteer or just give something away to someoe else who needs it more. Also a great day to try and celebrate and understand other cultures. (afetr which you should not commit genecide)

  6. It’d be nice if we had some kind of Thanksgiving Day holiday in Australia. But… no tofurkey. Or ‘Hamulation’. Or any other soy substitute, with or without pineapple glaze. I think you’ve got meat eater envy πŸ™‚

  7. Hamulation is better than the flesh of beasts.

    Now that I’ve thought about it some more, I see it as very fitting of the Bush Administration that they save a few turkeys from dying, only to let another turkey die in their place.

  8. “Hamulation is better than the flesh of beasts.”

    Sure. But there’s a whole world of straight-up vegetarian food that’s got to be even better, if possible, than hamulation… okay, ‘meat eater envy’ was unfair. Sorry. I don’t care, really!

    Nice to see presidential powers are good for something.

  9. Happy thanksgiving all… even though I’m a bit late… I’d like to do the Thanksgiving thing. It’s nice πŸ™‚
    I’m Thankful that England is beating SMASHED in the cricket right about now. Also thankful to be alive! And for awesome meat substitutes. I will come to the defense of Tofurkey and any other meat substitute! Last night I ate this awesome mock abalone (I know, a bit strange) from an asian supermarket… it’s fried gluten! Woah!
    “Hamulation is better than the flesh of beasts.” – gold daniel, pure gold.
    But seriously, if any of you care about the welfare of our planet you should seriously condsider looking into vegetarianism/veganism. Do you know how much water and grain goes into producing a kilo of beef? Disgusting.
    Take a look
    bad at html, hope that worked :S
    Grab a hold of ‘the ethics of what we eat’
    rant over.
    Have a good one boys and girls.

  10. *sigh* I love my beef. Eating it keeps my grandparents employed.

  11. I’ve heard that beef takes a lot of resources. What is it, nine to one?

    I wonder if soy ham log is bad for the environment. On second thought, no, I don’t. If Hamulation is wrong, I don’t want to be right!

  12. That should be your motto Daniel. It comes right before your theme song…
    I think it’s about 7 to 1 but different places say different things.

  13. If the soy’s not grown in the Amazon (and it won’t be– this stuff is for chicken feed), then you’re fine. But if you eat as much dairy as me, you don’t get half the environmental kudos that you would if you were a vegan.

    What, is it that you guys just like the taste of meat so much? Oh.

  14. Doubters! Time to settle this once and for all.

    For the rest of the week (until Dec 1), anyone in the Perth area can come to my office and experience a slice of Roast Hamulation with Pineapple Glaze. If you elect, I can tie you to the mast first. Caution: you may feel compelled to proclaim the superiority of Hamulation, and renounce all other forms of human food. Do you dare to taste the mouth’s greatest delight?

    Call first to make sure I’m there: x2067.

    amy: I’m with you on the dairy. Whatever do vegans find to eat, interrobang.

  15. I imagine vegans get as frustrated by the question “But what do you eat?” as vegetarians do when meat-eaters ask the same. Maybe we should go vegan for a couple of days, lest we be branded hypocritical.

  16. ok the vegan comment was just to rile me up wasn’t it? Vegans have plenty to eat. Dairy is strange and indigestible and linked to a goverment conspiracy πŸ˜›

    Too bad I’m on Sydney so I wont be able to make it for the Hamulation experience. Pinapple glaze sounds good…. mmmm

  17. In fact, dairy is completely natural, as our paleolithic ancestors suckled at the teat of friendly bovines since time immemorial.

    Yes, I was pulling serious vegan chain.

  18. I’m here, and got covered in dust and had my feet burnt off (slight exaggeration) because I’ve been walking in trucks full of 40 degree C and beyond wheat. My feet are now a delicate pink with subtle white spotting.

    You know what I mean Laura…600mL of full-cream milk thanks!
    Now off to my nanna’s traditional too-much-to-eat-in-one-meal roast beef with vege-tables.

    Pity about the missed Hamulation.

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