Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Fatherly quote of the day

“I shouldn’t have to say this, but you’re not allowed to obstruct each other’s breathing.”

Do other dads have to say these kinds of things?


  1. Even uncles sometimes.

  2. yes 🙂
    and teachers too

  3. The conductor usually has to say that to the sopranos and altos. I’m still singing like a tenor.

  4. “You are not supposed to bite your sister especially when you manage to draw blood through 3 layers of clothing” I remember saying that once.

  5. I have only eight rules, arranged in clever quatrains.

    No fighting, no biting.
    No hitting, no spitting.
    No poking, no choking.
    No kicking, no licking.

    You can frequently hear me of a Saturday reciting some aspect of this verse.

  6. Excellent stuff. Thankfully mine have outgrown most of this behaviour.

  7. Whats the matter with licking?

  8. It rhymed.

    Also, while licking can be pleasurable in the right context, between two brothers is not the right context.

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