Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Post 200

This is the 200th post on Good Reason. Somehow I found that many things to write about. I must be pretty opinionated.

I’ve decided to make every 100th post an Open Thread. Instead of like Eschaton, where every other thread is an Open Thread.

Chat away amongst yourselves.


  1. Congratulations!
    It seems that you are in a very productive mood. I am fighting with my laptop, instead (but I’ll win in the end).

  2. Congrats on the 200. Since this is an open thread and since their are some British and Australians here I would like to ask a question from the media blocked out US.

    Watching just American TV it would seem that a large sement of both these populations support the efforts of the Bush administration. My “gut” feeling is that this isn’t so.

    Of course the simple answer is…stop watching American TV..easier said than done.

    But I just wanted to hear from you all… is there a big disconnect between actual public opinion in these countries and what American press lets us see or is it more complicated than that?

  3. Wow Dan – impressive – especially as I seem incapable of posting anything except heart shaped clouds these days.

    Open thread eh? Well I’d just like to boast about my 12 year old daughter who is going to be playing at Lord’s Cricket Ground on Monday in a demonstration match in the interval of the India/England Women’s 1 day international. Is she excited, I hear you ask? She’s beside herself with excitement – especially as she’s going to meet the England team too. I’m so proud of her. She is very feisty and happy to face down the bowler and smash the ball – I hope this is the beginning of great sporting achievements for her.

    Thanks, Dan, for the space to celebrate her achievement (not that I haven’t got my own blog and all that!).

  4. This is an old Pew Global report (from a year ago), and there’s no data for Australia.

    Short version: China has a better image abroad.

    Somewhat restrained Anti-Americanism is the norm around the uni where I work.

    Basically, you know how you avoid the guy on the bus who’s muttering to himself?

    Well, America would be a guy who’s screaming about Jesus, and how ants are on him… and he’s got a chainsaw.

  5. This may say more about me than the general Australian populace, but I don’t think I’ve met anyone who supports the efforts of the Bush administration, at least not vocally. I personally think he is one of the daftest and most inarticulate people I have ever seen. Like Good ol Johnny Howard, I have no idea who actually supports the bugger and keeps him in power.

  6. Snowqueen, I love cricket and am stoked for your daughter! I too hope that she keeps it up. I like so many let too many things slide in my teens. 🙂

  7. Yeah Snowqueen! Keep encouraging your daughter! I never got to play anything other than backyard (or street) cricket, but the 6 other boys in the street all got sooky because I was always beating them. Could never bowl though.
    Seeing as this is a free thread, if you’re in Perth, WA, come and see Fiddler On The Roof at Mercedes College tonight, tomorrow arvo, Wednesday, Thursday and next Saturday night also. I will be playing the Fiddler.
    Faerie, do you watch Chaser on ABC? I just love some of the stunts they do!
    Talk to you soon!

  8. “Somewhat restrained Anti-Americanism is the norm around the uni where I work.

    Basically, you know how you avoid the guy on the bus who’s muttering to himself?

    Well, America would be a guy who’s screaming about Jesus, and how ants are on him… and he’s got a chainsaw.”

    hey, thats funny 🙂

  9. youcanprobablyguesswho

    13 August 2006 at 2:04 pm

    Wow, just imagine if the next 200 posts were on your PhD thesis. You might even finish it. Now THAT would be worthy of congratulations.

  10. Of my PH.D thesis I barely remember the title.

  11. Having someone love you can be so annoying sometimes, don’t ya think. But it is nice to know they love you.

  12. Okay, I will try to keep my comments to myself from now on.

    Maybe some of you less involved posters could take on the role of cheerleader/slavedriver to help encourage this PhD toward completion.

    Any takers?

    I wish I had your email address, Jeff.

  13. Just follow the links down the rabbit hole M.

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