Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

The Bush challenge

Forehead-slapper of the day:

“When history looks back, I’d rather be judged as solving problems and being correct, rather than being popular,” Bush said.

Wow, nil for three.

And this from a guy (and a party) who uses domestic issues not as problems to be solved, but as opportunities to split the electorate, excoriate cultural enemies, and rally the base? This from the guy who went to war with the wrong country?

I know Bush lives in an alternate universe where men are men and he’s not reponsible for anything. But this comment really shows his lack of comprehension.

So I’m inviting my readers to submit ONE problem Bush 43 has solved, or ONE thing he has done right, during his presidency. I have pointed out the marine protection thing; credit where credit is due. But is that it?

Removing Saddam Hussein from power may seem like a good thing, but in the process, everything else was made hellish. I’m looking for examples where a problem existed, and the Bush administration fixed it without other horrible consequences.

UPDATE: Now this:

The Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday heard testimony from Steven Bradbury, head of the Justice Department’s office of legal counsel. When questioned by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) on whether the President’s interpretation of the Hamdan case was right or wrong, Bradbury replied, “The President is always right.”

Always right!

Bush can’t think of anything he’s done wrong. His lawyers can’t think of anything he’s done wrong. Therefore, he’s always right.

Or could it be backwards? They think he’s always right, so they can’t think of anything he’s done wrong.

Either way, for someone who’s right so very often, it should be easy to think of one thing he’s done right. Come on, any Bush apologists that happen by. Throw me a bone here. There are lots of Utah IPs wandering around here. Surely they could think of something.


  1. uummmmm? Can’t really think of anything…oh, and the marine thing… yea, really started by Clinton and most of the real work was done by dems. He just signed the paper and took the credit… not sure its due him.

  2. Damn! Now we’re back down to zero!

    Anyone else want to try? Even as a mental exercise?

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