Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

More proof that you are old

As people age, hearing gets worse, especially the top end of the hearing range. So there’s a new high-pitched ringtone that people with young ears can hear. Old farts can’t hear a dang thing.

So which are you? Old fart, or young fart? I’m pleased to report that I can still hear it, although I did have to crank the speakers pretty loud. But, as Dan Jurafsky points out, that’s not surprising — the ability to hear high tones is largely a function of volume.

The tone is ready for the downloading on the NPR site. Give it a try and post your (approximate) age and result in comments.


  1. I had to have my volume at about 4.5 to 5 to hear it. Whats that make me, about 39?

  2. Funny, that’s the same result I got.

    The thing I love about this is that originally adults used this as a weapon against young people to clear them away from public places. Now they’ve turned the tables — they’re using it to secretly get messages in class. Your technology can be used against you. Take that, you geezers!

  3. 49.99 – I heard a faint hissing when I held the speaker up to my ear. WMP’s visual effects were fairly big though! People think teenagers are stupid. Always a big mistake. I have consistently found them to delightfully creative and iconoclastic. Sadly I eventually had to grow up.

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