Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Immigration ‘debate’

Latinos are standing up to the ugliness of what passes for America’s immigration debate.

After seeing about a hundred different instances of right-wing racist freaks trying to find an enemy in order to galvanise their base, you get pretty good at spotting it, and I’m spotting it now.

In our current economic system, if you’re not growing as fast as everyone else, you’re shrinking. So sellers have to do whatever they can to grow — grow their markets, grow their profits. If they have to sell toys and TV shows to ever-younger markets, they’ll do it. If they have to get us to fight each other for ever-shrinking paychecks, then that’s what the market demands.

And so when people ask, “Who’s going to do the jobs no one else wants to do?”, we now have the answer from Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA): “I say let the prisoners pick the fruits.”

Well, of course. Money for nothing. And jobs are subtracted from the market. Tom Tomorrow called this one ten years ago.

You get to feed the racist beast, and screw the workers at the same time. Ain’t it grand being a Republican?


  1. “Anybody that votes for an amnesty bill deserves to be branded with a scarlet letter ‘A,'” said Rep. Steve King of Iowa, referring to a guest worker provision in the Senate measure.

    Must not have read the book or didn’t undertsand it heh?

  2. “… and they should be sent to Room 101, just like Madame Bovary!”

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