US Senator Russ Feingold has begun a censure resolution against Bush.
Bush has broken the law, and defends his actions. It’s the right thing to do. What’s to lose? Bush’s approval ratings are in the toilet. So Democrats should be jumping on to this, right?
Sen. Feingold said the following to Fox News’ Trish Turner: I’m amazed at Democrats, cowering with this president’s numbers so low. The administration just has to raise the specter of the war and the Democrats run and hide.
Democrats? C’mere. I want to show you something.
This is a recent link from Opposition leader Kim Beazley on the Australian Labor Party web page. Keep in mind that this is the Opposition party, like the Democrats now. Would Democrats ever put something like this on their web page?
With the changes to industrial relations laws that he rammed through parliament in the days before Christmas, John Howard has gone too far.
He is now riding roughshod over the will of the Australian people.
These laws are a threat to the Australian way of life. They destroy rights to overtime, penalty rates, holiday pay, redundancy pay and other rights that generations of Australians have fought hard to win over the last hundred years.
There is only one good thing that can come out of these laws: the beginning of the end of the Howard Government.
Labor will urge Australians to make every member of the Howard Government personally responsible for their vote to take away the rights of working Australians.
And for the sake of working families and future generations, Labor will fight every day until the Howard Government is brought down for these vicious, unnecessary and unAustralian laws.
Page after page of this. Hammering on Howard. Keeping the pressure on. Everyone knows it’s the way they do it here.
If a newspaper reports, “John Howard says, ‘It’s a nice day,'” there’ll be a bit at the end of the story where Kim Beasley says, “John Howard might think it’s a nice day for him and the special interests that elected him. But for ordinary Australians without a job, without adequate health care, for children locked up in our detention camps, it is not a very nice day.” That’s the game! Nobody minds!
Democrats: a majority of Americans agrees with you. You have permission to sledge Bush, and sledge hard. Don’t worry — you can still be the minority party and lose elections! Labor’s done it for ten years.
Just pluck up your courage, back each other up, grab the hammer and start bashing away. America is on your side.
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