Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

Mac people, PC people

Forget “dog” v “cat” people, “left” v “right”, or “tops” v “bottoms”. The real split in personality is “PC person” v “Mac Person”. (via Mashable) gathered a lot of random data about people, and saw how it correlated with their sense of “Mac” or “PC” identification.

A few details are striking.

First off, the prestige of the Mac is evident by the fact that 25% of respondents self-identified as “Mac people”, even though Mac market share is around 10% (When’d that happen?). Either a lot of people are fibbing, or they’re using both, and like Mac better.

Also noticeable:

Mac people are 50% more likely than PC people to say they frequently throw parties.
PC people are 38% more likely than Mac people to say they have a stronger aptitude for mathematical concepts.
Mac people are 95% more likely to prefer indie films.

And most interestingly for me:

Mac people are 80% more likely than PC people to be vegetarian.

Cutting edge cultural trail-blazers, or insufferable hipster trendoids? We report, you decide.


  1. I remember using Macs. Remember trying to teach me about simple things like fonts, Daniel? Good times.

    I have to admit, though, that my Mac use has been phased out by the lack of Macs in public schools. Every computer I ever use in school is a PC.

    Still, just as it was in college, Macs still maintain that aura of hipster cool I wish I had.

  2. Aah, your first Mac. I remember it well. Partly because it was nicer than my Mac, but mostly because it was named Schnitzelplatt.

    Good times. Wait, no, they weren't. It's much better now.

  3. The "neither" category was nearly as large as the "Mac" category, but somehow it disappeared after the first frame. Maybe that means that Linux people are 57% less likely to bother to fill out surveys on

  4. No, it means FUCK LINUX USERS nobody cares about what they like.

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