Good Reason

It's okay to be wrong. It's not okay to stay wrong.

The Pope Song: A linguistic analysis

Been enjoying this new video from Tim Minchin. It’s catchy, but it does have a wee bit of profanity. Entirely justified.

Here are some stats about the song.

  • some variant of ‘fuck’: 84 times
  • some variant of ‘mother’ + ‘fuck’ in the same word: 35 times
  • some variant of ‘cunt’: 0 times
  • That’s one ‘fuck’ every: 1.54 seconds
  • Ratio of ‘fuck’ words to other words: 1:3.85

Other songs, for comparison:

  • Fuck tha Police by N.W.A.: One ‘fuck’ every 9.32 seconds
  • Too Drunk to Fuck by Dead Kennedys: every 8.89 seconds
  • Fucking in Heaven by Fatboy Slim: every 2.29 seconds
  • Bodies by the Sex Pistols: every 1.0 seconds (but only that one part in the third verse)
  • Fireflies by Owl City: every 0.6 seconds (subliminal)
  • Number of other songs I know that rhyme ‘papist’ and ‘rapist’: 0.


  1. Well that was quite an alternative type of education from what I used to get on a Sunday morning. Tim Minchin is fab!!

  2. I *love* Tim Minchin.

  3. Appalling! And since when were you elected Pope? Does the Vatican know you're not a Catholic?

  4. Oops. I've given away my secret identity.

  5. If there are any viewers so offended by Mr Minchin's vulgarities that they feel this sort of song should be illegal, they may like to read this topical and important supreme court decision.

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