I’m rerunning The Swearing Class in August, and word has gotten around. There’s always a great deal of interest in it. In fact, ABC Radio gave me a call today asking me for an interview.

Unfortunately, they asked me to phone in at just the time I’d be picking Oldest Boy up from school. So if it’s sounds like I’m outside with a mobile, trying to stay out of the wind and sun, that’s why.

Still, the hosts were personable and friendly, and I managed to work in just about everything I planned to say. I hope I didn’t get too much wrong. Somehow they got the impression that I’d grown up in Utah, which I didn’t bother to correct. Just for the record, I am a Washingtonian. But I guess I did do a lot of growing up in Utah. They sure were interested in the ex-Mormon angle, but I didn’t belabour it, and I kept it fairly positive.

I’ll post a link to an mp3 file as soon as I get it. Then we can all have fun pointing out my on-air mistakes.